The Peacock at Rowsley

The Food & Drink Guide

The Food & Drink Guide

The Peacock at Rowsley is now listed in the Food & Drink Guide. Our guests have always appreciated the fantastic food that comes from The Peacock kitchen, as is evident in a recent review on the Mr & Mrs Smith website. We are thrilled to be featured in the guide, as gastronomy is at the core of our hotel and our restaurant team are amongst the best in the country. You can view our Food & Drink Guide listing here, and do take a look at their blog, Fed Up and Drunk. Here you can discover where to eat during the Rugby World Cup and plan your late summer foodie holiday. > view the Food & Drink website > view the Fed Up and Drunk blog > dine at The Peacock Recommended by Food and Drink

Application to join the Waiting List for the Peacock Fly Fishing Club

Please fill out the following form for your name to be added to the PFFC Waiting List. You will be contacted as soon as a position is available for you.