The Peacock at Rowsley

Two Peak District Guided Walks

Two Peak District Guided Walks

We are excited to have teamed up with our friends at Peak Walking Adventures to offer guests two guided walk days this Autumn.

Historic Explorations

The guided walks will begin with an exploration of Stanton Moor, with its mysterious tower and stone circle from the Bronze Age. The walk will then continue up the hillside from The Peacock on grassy paths and old tracks, before guests will have the opportunity to learn more about the Earl Grey Tower from the 18th century, Stanton Moors gritstone rocks and Bronze Age heritage. Then it is the scenic route back to The Peacock for a filling autumnal lunch using fresh, local produce.

Path up to Stanton Moor

Countryside Wanderings

In the afternoon the woodlands of the Peak District will be waiting, as the walk winds through fields and woodland paths to visit the pretty estate village of Beeley and parts of Chatsworth Park. Guests will then return to The Peacock on a woodland path through the beautiful Derwent Valley, in time for a 3 course dinner. Both walks can be slippery depending on the weather and there are stiles to be climbed on both walks. We recommend sturdy walking boots and comfortable outdoor clothing, preferably waterproof, to enjoy your day. Walking through the wild heather

Guided Walk Days

Our two Autumn dates are 7th and 29th November. £123 pp – £222 with accommodation. Bookings of 10 people or more receive a 10% discount. The day includes a briefing, a full day’s walk, lunch and 3 course dinner on your return. Max – 16 people For further details or make a booking, please contact our reception team on 01629 733518. > view the full Autumn calendar of events

Application to join the Waiting List for the Peacock Fly Fishing Club

Please fill out the following form for your name to be added to the PFFC Waiting List. You will be contacted as soon as a position is available for you.