The Peacock at Rowsley

Historic Houses in the Peak District

Historic Houses in the Peak District

As the Summer months approach so does open season at some of the finest historic houses in the country. With stunning grounds, gardens and events, there really is something for everyone.

Haddon Hall

Located near Bakewell, just down the road from The Peacock, Haddon Hall is the home of Lord and Lady Edward Manners, owners of the Peacock. Haddon Hall is an exceptional fortified medieval manor house, most likely the finest in existence, and is open to visitors on Saturday, Sunday and Monday during April, then daily from May to September. Famed for its rose gardens and beautiful setting, Haddon Hall is recognised as one of the most romantic houses in Britain. > view the gallery and plan your visit Guests at The Peacock receive a 50% discount on entry and exclusive guided tours on Saturday mornings. Haddon Hall

Chatsworth House

A short drive from Haddon Hall, the Chatsworth House Estate contains fascinating stories, one of Europe’s most significant art collections and 105 acres of garden and park land. Now open daily, the Chatsworth calendar offers a variety of reasons to make a special trip including The Grand Tour and International Horse Trials. Guests at The Peacock also receive discount on entry. The Grand Tour 19 March – 23 October 2016 Included in admission to the house, the exhibition is a celebration of The Grand Tour and continental travel, as seen through the eyes and collection of the Devonshire family. Items are arranged around the house in a series of displays and can be seen until the Autumn. Chatsworth International Horse Trials 13 – 15 May 2016 For fans for equestrian sport, the Dodson & Horrell Chatsworth International Horse Trials is a three day event with entertainment for the whole family, including a shopping village with over 100 high quality trade stands. > find and more and plan your visit ____ *Image credit: Jason Batterham /

Application to join the Waiting List for the Peacock Fly Fishing Club

Please fill out the following form for your name to be added to the PFFC Waiting List. You will be contacted as soon as a position is available for you.